Saturday, March 13, 2010

Early America

The trans-Atlantic flow of people and goods is called the Columbian Exchange.

7.7 million of the approximately 10 million people who came from the old world to the new world were African slaves.

The Indian population in Spanish America declined due to enslavement, war, and disease.

The Black Legend described Spain as an uniquely brutal colonizer.

New France was categorized by enduring alliances with Indians.

The Netherlands was a European country that came to North America for trade and prided on their devotion to liberty.

Pueblo Indians lived in southwestern United States.

In 1608 Samuel de Champlain founded Montreal.

Bartolome de Las Casas argued that Indians were deprived of their freedom, were enslaved, fell ill and the Spaniards ignored their plight, and starved under the harsh Spaniard work conditions.

Both Aztec and Inca empires were large, wealthy, and sophisticated.

Christopher Columbus was an Italian who sailed for Spain in 1492.

Hernan Cortes was a Spanish conquistador.

Matrilineal is a society centered on the mother’s family.

Mound Builders were ancient settlers in the Mississippi valley.

Mestizos were people of mixed origins.

Adam Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations.

America is supposedly named after Amerigo Vespucci.

John Cabot discovered Newfoundland in 1497.

Patroons were Dutch landowners of large estates.

“Coverture” was a married women surrendering her name.
The survival of Jamestown was questionable in its early history because there was high death rate among settlers, leadership changed repeatedly, settlers were more concerned with seeking a quick profit, and supplies from England were inadequate.

The English were chiefly interested in displacing Indians from their lands.

English settlers believed land was the basis of liberty.

English Puritans believed that the Church of England still closely resembled the Catholic Church in its rituals.

The Mayflower Compact established a civil government for the colony.

Puritan women achieved their freedom by embracing subjection to her husband’s authority.

Tobacco was Virginia’s “gold” that ensured survival and prosperity.

Indians represented savagery for most New Englanders.

Indentured servants made up about 2/3 of English settlers in America during the 17th century.

Settlers farming the land did the most to reshape Native American society and culture.

Religious freedom was William Penn’s most fundamental principle.

Liberty was a universal entitlement according to Quakers.

Bacon’s Rebellion was a response to worsening economic conditions in Virginia.

Sugar was the commodity that drove the Africa slave trade in Brazil and the West Indies in the
17th century.

The Glorious Revolution placed a Protestant on the English throne.

Sir Edmond Andros formed an alliance with the Indians called the Covenant Chain.

Carolina grew slowly until rice as a staple crop was discovered to be very profitable.
Indians in the 18th century British America were well-integrated in to the British imperial system.

Jamestown was known as the “capital of the New World” in British North America.

Nathaniel Bacon was an Elite planter who called for reform in Virginia.

King Philip was a Metacom Indian.

Anglicization: Elites in America becoming more English.

Navigation Act regulated the shipping/selling of Colonial goods.

William Penn was a Proprietor of Pennsylvania.

Anthony Johnson was a slave who became free and owned slaves himself.

Toleration Act allowed protestant dissenters to worship freely.

William Berkeley was a Governor of Virginia during Bacon’s Rebellion.

West Jersey Concessions was a liberal frame for government.

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